We have recently walked a journey through the countless touchpoints a customer can meet during his relationship with a brand in the food service industry (read here). Touchpoints are those interactions between the brand and the customer: in its new effort for a Fast Casual brand, Italian Customer Intelligence has mapped about one thousand touchpoints!
These one thousand touchpoints are not only points of interaction the brand has to control but also are just as many opportunities for the brand itself to surprise and excite the customer. This way, he will go back to the store and become an ambassador of the brand starting out a positive word of mouth.
Today, those food service brands willing to succeed and grow must offer a customer experience aligned to their own identity and values in each touchpoint of each store around the world.
The customer wants a direct relationship with the brand, he loves to be engaged by it and, most of all, he wants the experience to be the real expression of the values that mark the brand he chooses as unique. Moreover, the customer expects this experience to be offered in the same way in each touchpoint of each restaurant of the brand.
Do you think your brand offers a Customer Experience aligned with its own values in every page, in every picture, in every indication on your website? Is your social media strategy aligned with your brand identity and values? What kind of experience do your clients live when ordering a delivery through your partner’s platform? Does your staff know, live and let the client live your brand values? And so much more…
Do you want to map and work on your brand’ strategic touchpoints? Email us at info@italiancustomerintelligence.it